Friday, September 11, 2009

Mounting New Stamps!

Good Evening Stampers,

In celebration of the upcoming weekend, I thought I would give a small tutorial on mounting new stamps- it's easy and therapeutic!

Here we go!

First, take a look at the clear adhesive stickers to gauge which wooden blocks are allotted to each image. Place the clear stickers on their respective blocks, as seen below.
I recommend adhering the stickers before mounting the actual rubber stamps- sometimes the sticker image has the stamp facing a different direction!

Next, separate the rubber images from the sheet- they should just pop out with a little added pressure- see below:

Now, mount the rubber stamps to their respective blocks, as seen below- be sure to assess which way the words/images should face! Think 'mirror':)

Once you've completed mounting all the stamps, you're done- ta da! Enjoy stamping!

Hope this helps & be sure to let me know if you have any further questions/concerns!

Have a great weekend & happy stamping,


1 comment:

Kath said...

So glad the rubber images come in precut a sheet -- the old days we had to cut out the images and it was really hard.