Saturday, September 26, 2009

Stamping Tip!

Hi Stampers,

I recently have received some questions concerning using brand new stamps- the images are not inking well etc...

Here's a tip to help get your stamps 'feelin' the love' sooner:)

In the above photo, there is a Sanding Block to the left of the stamps- see it? Sanding blocks (sku 103301, pg 188, 2009 IBC) are a great and inexpensive stamper's tool and I'm about to show you one more great way to use yours!

Here we go:

When you have a brand new, large, solid stamp, it's often difficult to get a good solid inked image on your card stock without it looking streaky or blotchy.

Here's the remedy:

Rub your Sanding Block gently over the rubber of your new stamp- this will break the coating on the rubber. See the right sided stamp image below? It looks a bit chalky. After sanding the rubber, wipe it off on your Stampin' Scrub (sku 102642, pg 190, 2009 IBC). You'll be much happier with your stamped image now!

Hope this little tip helps you and further endears your Sanding Block too! Remember you can shop 24/7 here to get your Stampin' Up! supplies!

Happy stamping,


1 comment:

Jamie Sanchez said...

Great advice! Would this work with acrylic stamps as well? I have had people ask me why the SU ink won't "stick" to their clear acrylic stamps.